October 28, 2016

A couple of years ago I was a DJ. I loved MIDI to program my own midi controllers. I also loved Auto Hot Key to map a key to another shortcut. For a school project, I worked on a MIDI device with a Windows and Android App.

I used an Arduino to create the MIDI device. An Arduino Mega had to be used for all the inputs.

Windows app

The Windows app uses MIDI or MQTT (Android app) to receive all the inputs. The Windows app maps the input to a macro. Change the volume of a program, change the master volume. Auto Hot Key support could be added in the future.

Android App

The Android app does the same thing as the MIDI device. You can choose to use multiple way to connect to the Windows app.

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Koen Van Looveren

A passionate Android developer always looking for the next Big Thing. Working hard to deliver beautifull and quality apps.