Personal Website 2.0

May 5, 2019

A personal website is like your own digital showroom. You can showcase everything you built.


My previous website was written in WordPress as well. I found that I had done some things wrong. That is why I started all over. At this point, my WordPress theme is completed. It is only a matter of adding content. As for Wijkwerking Mariaburg, I used Advanced Custom Fields to support my website. This way I can make the whole site dynamic. Skills and the Scrum board are fully dynamic so I can add a new one very easy. I use a custom post type for all my Projects and custom taxonomies for grouping the projects itself.


My writing is not very good that is why I also started a blog on this website. If I want to share something with people I will write a blog post about it and share it on LinkedIn. I even wrote a blog post about getting started with a blog.

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Koen Van Looveren

A passionate Android developer always looking for the next Big Thing. Working hard to deliver beautifull and quality apps.